Vrh R - Shaggy Soul
Dne 13.10.2015 se v chs Shaggy Soul narodilo 5 štėōátek - 2 holky a 3 kluci ze spojení: 
Alfalex Justin Enjoy The World Yoshimitsu Three Ponds Valley
Randalf Roy      Roxy Joy      Ruffus Toy
Rebeca Black      Rossemary Chocolate


Alfalex Justin Enjoy The World  Trollängens Maximum Effect Goldmoore´s Good As Gold
Trollängens Next Trip
 Alfalex Fairy-Tale Barecho Fun For The Future
Estrellest Riinu-Ly-Panda
Yoshimitsu Three Ponds Valley  Sieger´s Player In Peak  Linmoor Zimply Zalient
 Sieger´s Extra Point
 Rowntree Sweet Harmony  Barecho Almost Perfect
 Rowntree Romantic Review